This site consists of a 1500 ha remnant of rare
Cumberland Plain Woodland which is recognised as an ecologically endangered
plant community under both the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW)
and the Endangered Species Conservation Act 1992 (Cth).
The degradation and continuing loss of this woodland is especially
tragic given that over 90 percent has been cleared since European
settlement. This unique site supports endangered and vulnerable species of
vertebrates, invertebrates and plants, and holds a population of Emus (possibly
the only such population closer than Munghorn Gap N.R. some 200 km from the
Sydney GPO). It is also listed on the Register of the National Estate and
has been described by the Australian Heritage Commission as a priceless
Nonetheless Lend Lease and the Federal government
want to build a massive housing and industrial estate with 8000 homes on the
site. A rally was held on Sunday 1 April, so now it's important that
as many letters as possible back this up.
Here's the website for the ADI residents action group, including form letters to
relevant politicians:
Best wishes,
David and Sofia Frew
David & Sofia
Lane Cove, NSW, Australia