Hi All,
Sorry people for taking your
time. John Gamblin has put a message on B-A that compliments me on something
(though I am one L Philip). I guess that is nice but the truth is I have
absolutely no idea what John is referring to in most of the message below, nor
why he mentions me at this time in regard to "all that data", (could
it be the book "Birds of Canberra Gardens" that he bought from me last
year?) nor the meaning of his subject line "R.L.
Mate and Bats". Maybe someone else knows what he means. At least he is
complimentary of the B-A chat line in his message, I understood that
-----Original Message----- From:
John Gamblin <> To:
Birding-Aus <> Date:
Thursday, 15 March 2001 9:44 Subject: [BIRDING-AUS] R.L. Mate
and Bats
Bless you both to Michael Norris and Phillip
A. Veerman I checked ALL that data (geeeez he's thorough is
that Veerman fellow) and I still can not find anything that relates to
this weird head colouring? of what has been quickly named
"Gloria" by that fast spinner in S.A.
Tisk Tisk Tisk
I intend to shoot it? :^D I am joking, capture it on film I
should say, or if the puta whiz of this list would like to pop down here
and give me a fast "Teach" :-] on this USA webcam come mobile
puta camera that would be great! he could even have the bottle
of ancient USA borbon as payment due to the S.A. fast spinner
obviously not wanting it?
Mr. R.L.'s female companion was there this
early am but sadly only one little one? perhaps the others had an
oversleep eh.
I've scribbled down some notes and a rough sketch
on his companion but with it only being a week till my love
"Hilary of Washington" arriving and she's a very clever bird
artist, so I may wait for the better artist then I to get
Many thanks to all for this help.
Humour: ============
I had a suggestion made to me last night at a
meetimg? and the idea got on to 3LO radio this am? perhaps we should
give thought to relocating the opening spot of the first day of the duck
shooting season, to the Melbourne Botanical gardens? just give the
shooters ID cards for those bats. Gee, Michael 17,000 bats? nearly as
many as in India eh surely someone must know there's a market for their
droppings :-]
Ooroo all and again I bless you all and this
brilliant archive, for it is exactly that.
Hey Russell ain't I's
good? not one word about bats in nets eh