Hello everyone,
Here's a quick rundown on yesterday's Caloundra tern survey:
Crested Tern 14
Little Tern 250
White-winged Black tern 387
Common Tern 13,289
Caspian Tern 2
Unidentified terns 11,140
TOTAL 25,082
The above numbers are only the minimum, as terns were still arriving
onto the sandbanks when we lost light. It's usually like that.
Oh, one more, there was 1 Lesser Crested Tern.
Would someone down south please tell me what plumage the Little Terns
are currently in? Would someone from North Queensland please do the
same from up there? I am seeing increasing proportions of breeding
plumage in Littles now. In a couple of groups yesterday, I would say
that 70% were in breeding plumage. What I am trying to work out is
whether they are the southern Australian population coming off the
breeding grounds, or whether we get the northern Australian
population here. The latter is said to breed during the autumn in
northern Australia. I would like to have a regular contact in
southern and northern Australia, people who see terns regularly, and
whom I can ask for seasonal information in their regions. Would
someone please put a hand up?
I have been trying to post a reply to Bob Inglis' message on
developers for the past couple of days. I hope it goes out
successfully with this lot.
Jill Dening
Sunshine Coast, Qld
26º 51' 152º 56'
Ph (07) 5494 0994
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