I have several thoughts on the question posed by Jim Davis -- why should we recruit young birders. It seems to me that there are many reasons to do so. Perhaps the most compelling are, in no particular order, the following:
1. The possibility that the lives of others will be enriched by becoming birders, or at least given the opportunity to do so. This may be the sort of thing that at least for some people requires a bit of enticement to choose over say TV or footie, but that once entrenched offers something of value.
2. Getting people interested in birding will in time make them interested in, and supporters of, conservation, both for birds and other aspects of the natural world. If that is of interest to you, then it is obviously valuable to recruit young birders in the hope that they will one day be staunch supporters of the natural world. who knows, one of them may even become prime minister or president.
3. To the extent that birders make other contributions, such as to ornithology and science in general, then recruiting new birders furthers that purpose as well. Who will do the breeding and christmas bird counts in the future?
There is of course the possibility that the main motivating factor is that we all think that others ought to like what we like.
Eric Jeffrey
Falls Church, VA