This evening (5:30pm),whilst coming home in the car
I saw a small very green parrot\lorrikeet fly straight into a Benjamani Fig .I
was almost pulling into my driveway on the Burnett River in Bundaberg(400 km
north of Brisbane) and grabbed the Binos and startled it before seeing it
again...a fleating glimpse really.It exited to the west at speed with a high
pitched zit.The call was quieter than the little Lorris and Scalys.I am very
familiar with those guys and am "fairly" sure it was neither.The bird was flying
from what I think was a stangler fig on the other side of the road.Some
1 .Very green with the light behind it.Maybe those
up north who see the Fig Parrot regularly would know what they look
like from behind in flight better than myself.This appears to be lighter than in
the books I've got.
2.Although I only saw it for maybe 2 seconds,I saw
no blue or red.
3.Tail appeared very short and practically
non-existant with comparatively wide wings.
4.It "hit" the tree at speed and didn't exit
immediately.The other Lorrikeets seem to stay out of the fig trees
I''ll keep an eye out.I've got 7or 8
established figs here and you never know I might get a conclusive look at
what I saw today at some stage.I certainly am not convinced I saw the
Coxen's Fig Parrot but by crickey after years of searching, this is the closest
thing I've seen and right in my own front yard (If it is !!)