Hello Quentin,
I'm very interested in your Star Finch sighting. ................. I
would urge people to take very
careful note of any Star Finch sightings elsewhere in the NT.
For what it's worth, I have a record of a flock of Star Finches for
16 Aug, 1994 on Scott Creek Station, which I think begins about 60km
west of Katharine, and well east of the Victoria River.
My husband and I were delighted to see what we thought was a
relatively uncommon bird (coming from Qld as we did), but the station
manager, Rod, regarded them as common on his property. The flock we
saw numbered around 200, and the birds were feeding on grain on the
ground in the mustering yards.
Jill Dening
Sunshine Coast, Qld
26º 51' 152º 56'
Ph (07) 5494 0994
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