Hello All
One of the Birding Aus members alerted me to the fact that some operators
of tour boats on the lower Mary River are still ramming crocodiles (to
'give visitors a thrill' as one once put it), and I've since heard from
another operator that at least two tours in this area indulge in such
behaviour regularly.
I ask fellow birdwatchers to check with tour operators to ensure they
don't behave in this manner. I'd also suggest that people report such
activities to NT tourism and conservation authorities, but since they've
not taken any action in the past I doubt they'd do anything now. A
letter to a newpaper such as 'The Australian' or 'Age' will help inform
other travellers.
Denise Goodfellow (Lawungkurr Maralngurra)
Specialist Guide
Ph/fax 08 89818492
PO Box 39373
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