Just a briefobservation on MP3.
Yes it is a
"lossy" (should that be lousy" compression system that deletes
some of the data collected by the microphone/signal source but that wouldbe of
little concequence for identification of calls in the field. For lab. analysis
of a call then something much better is required!
As we are listening to things in the field then would be fine.
If one considers the advantages of the format and associated hardware versus the
slightly lower quality, which is most probably better than a cheap cassette
player anyway, then I will go for MP3 any day.
Add to this the fact that sound samples of the expected birds
in a survey area can be loaded at home for later use (less info to wade through
in the field. You most probably will not hear Desert dwellers on the East
Coast.) Size abd weight are also a consideration and MP3 players are
Well, that's my 2 bob's worth on the subject
Good watching,
Dennis and Annette Hill. Pappinbarra Research
Centre PO Box 20, Beechwood NSW 2446.