Hello Alexandra,
You may certainly use my note if you wish. I am sorry for my apparent
rudeness in this late answer but I have been away from home on a 16 day trip
which was organised by NSWFOC through southern NSW, Hattah NP, Pt Augusta,
Farina, Maree,(now famous for its dust
storms),Mungeranie,Birdsville,Windorah, Eulo Bore and home.
A word of warning to anyone wanting to bird along The Track, the Clifton
Hills incident seems to have stirred up the other Stations and Lyndhurst now
require prior notice of your wish to enter their property. On the other hand
the manager of Clayton Station was happy to show us a prime wetland area and
allowed camping provided that he was first consulted.
However, it was an excellent trip under the leadership of Clive Meadows.
Due, in part to the long distances covered and the varied backgrounds of the
travellers, I am sure that Geoffrey Chaucer would have enjoyed the excellent
company and we would now have "The Birdos Tales " added to our classical
Best wishes
Yours of 9/10/2000 re Cassowary Incident.
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