Hi Peter -
At 08:24 AM 17/10/00 +0930, you wrote:
>Yesterday I received a Birds Australia Endangered Species
>Campaign brochure in the mail, as no doubt many of you would've.
>I have been away for a few days - did I miss something? Hugo?
Well - the brochure has jumped the gun a little. The answer is that we
have signed a contract to purchase Newhaven Station; we have raised enough
to cover the purchase price; we are awaiting approval for the lease
transfer (and we do not anticipate any problems with that) and we expect to
pay over the money and take legal possession within three or four weeks.
Then we can start the destocking of cattle and the many other things that
need to be done before it can be opened to casual visitation. Experience
with Gluepot will help greatly with this. Many thanks to all those people
who have donated money towards Newhaven and the founding of our second
Hugo Phillipps
Communications Coordinator
Birds Australia
415 Riversdale Road
HAWTHORN EAST 3123, Australia
Tel: (03) 9882 2622, fax: (03) 9882 2677
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Web site: <http://www.birdsaustralia.com.au>
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