
Swift Parrots seen again at Prospect Reservoir (Blacktown) NSW 24th Sept

To: <>
Subject: Swift Parrots seen again at Prospect Reservoir (Blacktown) NSW 24th September 2000
From: "Vella" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 21:27:39 -0000
Being only 5 minutes drive from home, I decided to make an hour visit later in the afternoon at Prospect Reservoir to see if I can relocate the Swift Parrots seen this morning. As I drove up th hill, I saved a Bar-shouldered Dove feeding alongside the road from being run over by an oncoming car by beeping the horn for the bird to fly off. Upon reaching the top of the hill, no Swift Parrots could be seen or heard in the few Spotted Gums that I saw them in this morning.
I drove down the hill and had another look at a group of Coral Trees in flower attracting a range of Honeyeaters and just before leaving at about 6 pm, 10 Swift Parrots flew overhead and towards the forest in the northern end of the Reservoir and probably going to roost. There is enough flower for the Swift Parrots to stay for another week atleast, with 4 species of Eucalypts in the area in flower. There is quite a few Eucalyptus crebra (Narrow-leaved Ironbark) in flower, but I haven't seen their blossoms trees attracting much birds in the past. Has anybody noticed this?
The Reservoir still had several Great-crested Grebes and 21 Hardheads and total of 70 species was seen/heard today here (which would have been boosted if I had access to the forest which surrounds the northern and western sides of the reservoir).
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  • Swift Parrots seen again at Prospect Reservoir (Blacktown) NSW 24th September 2000, Vella <=

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