Hi birders
Damn, I hate the way addresses sometimes fall off emails! Please see the
Hi, Nightjar Fans
There was a bit of a thread on this topic going a while back. I think
Bill Jolly and I
agreed that as far as we could tell, WTNJ's are spring-summer breeding
visitors but
absent in winter from the Lockyer Valley, 100km W of Brisbane, in
winter. The
recent records from coastal or near-coastal SEQ suggest that a similar
pattern to
that in north coastal NSW, as described by Allan, may be applicable to
SEQ. That
is, an all-year-round population in the warmer and wetter coastal areas,
but a
migrant population in the seasonally drier and cooler west. By way of
Brisbane has an annual rainfall somewhere around 1100mm/yr and rarely
sees frost
in winter. The Lockyer average rainfall is around 700-750mm/yr and
regularly gets
severe frosts in winter. These differing climatic conditions probably
have a profound
effect on seasonal availability of flying insects (WTNJ food) which
would influence
whether birds could persist in an area or not.
Richard Johnson
Roma District
Tel: (07) 4622 4266 Fax: (07) 46 22 4151
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