Hi everybody -
Just letting you know that Channel 7 is screening an animated children's
film, The Way of the Birds, on Saturday 24 June at 10.30 AM (mainly, but
check time - some states may be different) over Australia. This is based
on a book of the same name by Meme McDonald and Shane Nagle, and inspired
by 'Waderbirds - Odyssey of the Wetlands' a series of spectacular outdoor
performances that moved from Auckland to Melbourne to Broome to finish in
Kushiro in northern Japan. The final performance was staged as part of the
1993 Ramsar meeting. There are probably a few Birding-Aus people who were
involved in one of the two Australian events and vividly remember the
experience. The main bird the performances, book and film focus on is the
Eastern Curlew.
Hugo Phillipps
Communications Coordinator
Birds Australia
415 Riversdale Road
HAWTHORN EAST 3123, Australia
Tel: (03) 9882 2622, fax: (03) 9882 2677
Email: <>
Web site: <http://www.birdsaustralia.com.au>
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