On Sat, 8 Apr 2000 wrote:
> Neil's quite right that the archive is not currently accessible.
> I've sent a message to Russell Woodford and to the webmistress
> of the CSE website at the UNSW.
And they'll forward your message to the bottomless morass that is my
mailbox. The birding-aus archive lives on my ageing workstation which
is less than reliable. I'm hoping to get the workstation upgraded soon.
In the meantime, feel free to e-mail me when it breaks.
A couple of people have sent me helpful suggestions for improving the archive,
if I ever get time I'll implement some of them.
The archive should be working again at:
Andrew Taylor
P.S. Anyone know where I can buy HANZAB volume 1a, I bought
volume 1b second hand and then discovered 1a and 1b are not
normally sold separately.
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