Yet another e-mail hoax (it is buried in one of the attachments -
don't worry if you didn't see it.) Here's one description of it
that I found:
> SR News:The Taco Bell Dog Hoax
> This is one of the silliest hoaxes that I know of. It's another hoax
> that I didn't think would spread widely. Again, I was wrong. Here is
> the most common version:
> This is SOOOOOO Cool!!!!!! Yo Have to see this!!!!!! It is
> SOOO cute that the people that HAVE seen this keep asking me to
> send it to them again!! Now is that good or WHAT?! Here is what
> yo gotta do.......
> Okay so you have to answer these questions IN YOUR HEAD
> okay? Here is the first question. 1) What is your favorite
> color? 2) What is your favorite movie? 3) Where is your
> favorite place to go on vacation? 4) Do you like to swim? 5)
> Do you wear a Bikini or a regular bathing suit? 6) Do you like
> to take a shower or a bath? 7) Do you like dogs or cats? 8)
> What is your favorite sport? 9) Do you prefer computer games to
> TV? 10) Do you prefer Roller Blading to a Bicycle?
> Now that you have answered the questions here is the
> second part: If you have answered ALL the questions
> WITHOUT skipping any, here is what you should do: Send
> this to 1-7 people and you will see the little Taco Bell
> Chiuahah walk to the middle of you screen and he will say
> "Yo Quiro Taco Bell" Send this to 8-10 and he will walk to
> the middle of your screen and say ONE of the following: "I
> think i'm in love!" or "Viva Gourditas!" OR "I Chiuhuahah
> Send this to 11-? people and he will go to the middle of
> your screen and sing "Chances are because I wear a silly
> grin..." and after that he will sing the "nacho" song!!!!
> It's amazing that people are willing to believe that by sending email
> somehow some animation will appear on their screen. Unlike hoaxes that
> promise money or donations such as the Forward For Money Hoaxes this
> one simply promises the appearance of an animation.
Paul Taylor Veni, vidi, tici -
I came, I saw, I ticked.
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