
Australian Bird Calls in foreign movies

To: <>
Subject: Australian Bird Calls in foreign movies
From: "EDWIN VELLA" <>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 19:54:18 +1100
David Stewart wrote:

> Last night (18 Feb) I watched the movie "Congo" on Channel 7. Fairly early
> in the film I thought I heard a Noisy Pitta outside, then I realised it
> in the film. Other Australian species I heard were Australian Magpie,
> Laughing Kookaburra, Masked Lapwing, Whistling Kite, Olive Whistler. There
> was at least one other which I have forgotten. This film is set in Africa
> and in the credits, filming locations were Costa Rica, Tanzania, Kenya and
> Los Angeles. The film was made in 1995. There was a whole list of Sound
> Editors. I ask the question, why on earth do they select a number of
> Australian species for an African jungle scene. Given  a lot of filming
> done in Africa I don't understand why African birds were not used - all I
> can say is crazy.
This reminds me watching a couple of movies last week. Firstly in the movie
"Anaconda" I picked up the calls of Willy Wagtail and Noisy Pitta in the
movie which I believe was supposed to be filmed in the middle of tha Amazon.
During the same week, the move "Picnic at Hanging Rock" showed large flocks
of Red-collared Lorikeets and at Topknot Pigeon where the movie was filmed
in Victoria?. In other movies and some documentaries, I have also heard
other foreign bird calls - Laughing Kookaburra's in America for example. I
have also picked recorded background calls in Australian made movies and
documentaries/shows from soundscapes I have at home.

I think even, the Readers Digest video "101 Australian birds" seems to play
calls from the BOC tapes.

Things I take notice of while watching movies, documentaries etc.

Also, while at the work Finace conference this week at Port Stephens, from
the conference room I heard the calls of Fairy Penguins calling from the
nearby shore, which I found a little distracting. Also a dark-phase Arctic
Jaeger flew close by - wonderful!!!


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