Hi everyone
This is just to confirm that birding-aus has now landed at Vicnet.
Sorry about the delays - some of you have been in limbo all day.
I sent a few messages to BOTH birding-aus hosts but they were swallowed up.
The Deakin host for birding-aus will close some time today, Friday 21 Jan.
You should all have received something from Vicnet by then.
Please let me know if you haven't!
Please remember:
Mail to the list now goes to
Messages get on/off the list go to
Messages should confirm to these guidelines:
1. No attachments
2. No viruses!
3. Don't include all of previous message in replies
4. Size limit of 20Kb per message - split long reports into sections or
EDIT them
5. No messages of a purely commercial nature
6. Keep to the topic: anything about Australian wild birds, their habitat
and their conservation
7. Avoid personal comments and criticism - these are best conducted via
private mail
8. Continue to be as friendly and helpful as in the past!
Russell Woodford
Birding-Aus List Manager
Ph (03) 52 739 237
Fax (03) 52 739 371
Mob 0419 395 100