The first time I had near-views of Needle-tails was on Bribie Island, north
of Brisbane. They were swooping fast, and I mean fast, over a small
stangent pool that had many insects flying over it. I was very impressed by
the size of the birds seen near to, and very impressd that, standing by the
pool, ie not far enough away to get a long view, they were approaching and
passing so fast that I couldn't keep them in my binocular view, and just
had to watch and marvel at them without.
Great birds.
Another great bird-watching experience was at the Gap Rest House in
Malaysia, watching the great cloud of swifts (3 or 4 different spp), plus
Pacific Swallows and a few Red-rumped Swallows, circling in the evenings,
following them and sorting out the spp.
John Leonard
John Leonard (Dr),
PO Box 243,
Woden, ACT 2606,
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