Hullo Mark,
Nice to see your report of the Latrobe Uni Wetland area -( I usually go
up to the Wildlife Reserve instead.)
I would expect to find Little Grassbird in the Wetlands, but LGB is
much more heard than seen.
About that Cape Barren Goose - may I very politely ask if it could
have been a grey (wildcolour) Domestic Goose? Latrobe Uni used to have a
huge Dom.Goose population and a few still hang on in the Wetland area.
How nice to see the Masked Woodswallows - I hope the cool change
hasn't discouraged them. As you say, very like Starlings. Many years ago
on one of my first BOC outings, I asked "What are the birds like
jet-assisted starlings with white tags in their tails?" The late Roy
Wheeler said: 'Dusky Woodswallows!' and I've never had any trouble with
them since.
But something that has given me pause, now and then in summer, is a
young Starling in the process of acquiring spotty dark plumage on its
flanks while otherwise pale brown! That can give rise to all sorts of
puzzlement inc. a conviction that it's a new kind of treecreeper! A real
trap for young players.
Anthea Fleming in Ivanhoe
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