> To all good Victorians
> Peter Lansley was kind enough to mention me in his posting
> about the (lack of) submissions for the VBR.
The Victorian Bird Report (VBR) is an excellent idea for
the simple reason that a lot of people find it easier to do
online bird reporting - usually because of work
constraints. It is simple to use and very well organised.
I would recommend however that the site
(http://www.birdsaustralia.com.au/vbr/index.html) become
slightly more interactive - for example you should be able
to review/see past reports made by other people. In
technical terms (i.e. html programming) this would be quite
a simple thing to do - and it would have a side benefit
of acting as a 'magnet' for birdwatchers (etc) to tho visit
the web site.
All the best,
> To all good Victorians
> Peter Lansley was kind enough to mention me in his posting about
> the (lack of) submissions for the VBR.
> Can I urge all to send him anything they think relevant, not
> necessarily on the forms and without bothering too much about
> the criteria. All I did was to send him stuff I thought was
> interesting (plus the first and last dates of migrants, high
> numbers etc.) and records of Scaly-breasted Lorikeets (which are
> always here but on the list of special birds for Victoria).
> As far as I'm concerned it's up to the editors to sort things
> out. So why not just let him know about the Brahminy Kite on
> your garden fence or simply - if you have the same experience as
> us - a worrying decline in migratory Flame Robins.
> I'm sure he'll let you know if he wants more detail.
> To confess a personal interest, one of the first publications to
> get me really interested in birds (rather than twitching) was
> the Annual Reports on birds in the royal parks in London. It
> was not just a list of birds but also a commentary on habitat
> change, climate... When I am became actively interested and
> started to contribute records it became a beaut way of
> reflecting back on this year or that.
> Mind you, the whole thing was facilitated by the system of local
> recorders. I'm trying to do that job for the City of Bayside and
> it would be great, I think, if there were local recorders who
> operated, preferably with Birds Australia and local government
> support, in all the local authority districts of Australia.
> Michael Norris
> Bayside Friends of Native Wildlife
> Hampton, Bayside, Vic.
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