Gooday Max and others,
Max advised recently that,
"two Willie Wagtails building nests on powerlines over busy roads.
The nests are totally exposed to the elements - especially the blazing sun
up here at present and the nests seem balanced on the wire without any other
I forwarded some photos of a Willie Wagtail nest constructed on the lover
loop of a handbrake chain on a Qld Rail coal wagon that had been placed in a
holding road for repairs at Pring near Bowen.
I believe that BOCA reprinted the photo in "The Bird Observer"
Also of interest at Pring is the nocturnal feeding of Laughing and
Blue-winged Kookaburras under the yard lights. The birds are active almost
every night.
Jon Wren
PO Box 868
Bowen (20.00S on the Coral Coast)
Queensland Australia 4805
Phone 07 4786 2614H Mobile 0412 789 285
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