G'day all.
I've recently been helping to care for a fledgeling "crow" who is now
more or less fully fledged. We're having difficulty identifying it a/
because there are no obvious hackles on the throat (and I'm not going to
start pulling them out unless I'm very sure there's something to be
achieved) and b/ because its eyes are BLUE. Yes, I know the books say
some adults have white eyes but these are distinctly light blue and the
bird is most distinctly not an adult! Also, there are small, unpigmented
(pink) patches on each side of the lower mandible. Can anyone shed any
light on this, please? I can sent 2 jpegs to anyone who is interested.
Thank you,
Atriplex Services (Pronounced A-tree-plex)
Environmental Consultants, Landscaping Contractors,
Native Australian Plant Nursery, Educators.
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