Sydney, NSW Pelagic Trip Report 25th September 1999
Departed at 7.30 am and returned at approx. 4.00 pm.
Sea Conditions: Smooth and calm.
Weather: Warm and overcast.
Wind: Very light from the SE
Water temperature 17.9 to 18.4 degrees C.
Another MEGA trip that will go down in the memory banks as one of the
all time greats. Generally the number of birds were down for September
Some species that were expected were completely absent such as Yellow
-nosed & Shy Albatross, Fairy Prion and White-fronted Tern. But the
rarities made up for that. Highlights included an adult Light-mantled
Sooty Albatross, Tahiti Petrel, Black-bellied Storm Petrel, Buller's
Shearwater and a bird that was almost certainly a Kerguelen Petrel. The
Light-mantled' was so obliging that it was too close to focus
binoculars and a standard camera lens was necessary for those trying to
get photographs as we attempted to hand feed it. Similarly the Black-
bellied Storm Petrel circled the boat providing everyone with fine
views of the black belly. However, the real highlight were the Hump-
backed Whales which were truly breathtaking as they (at least 5 of
them) circled the boat continuously for over an hour 'spy hopping',
'tail flicking', spraying those on board, calling and even breaching.
At times they were so close and so inquisitive that they would swim for
the boat at "ramming speed" (as one person pointed out) and then dive
directly under the stern only to reappear again off the bow as they
played with each other. Words cannot describe the exhilaration and
impact this had on the passengers and crew. It is illegal to get too
close to whales in Australia, but what can you do in situations like
this? Other than turn the engines off and enjoy the show. The
Kerguelen Petrel sighting was another one of those brief views but
direct comparison with Providence Petrel helped. This bird looking
particularly large-headed, narrow-winged, about 30% smaller than
Providence and flying extremely fast. I hope to post a few
photographs on to the web page at the end of next week.
Those on board,
Steve Anyon-Smith, Chris Benesh, Tony Palliser and the Field Guides
tour group
(Note: numbers in brackets = highest count at any one time)
086 Wandering Albatross 15+
-----847 gibsoni 10+ (4)
-----846 antipodensis 2 (2)
--- others 1 (stage 1 bird)
088 Black-browed Albatross 10-15 (5)
-----088 melanophrys type 5+
-----859 impavida 2 (1)
073 Great-winged Petrel 6 (3)
971 Providence Petrel 15-20+ (6)
935 KERGUELEN PETREL 1 (probable sighting)
--- Giant Petrel Sp. 1
984 Cape Petrel 15+ (8)
063 Wilson's Storm Petrel 2 (1)
068 Fluttering Shearwater 10+
913 Hutton's Shearwater 20+ (mixed flock)
071 Short-tailed Shearwater 1
069 Wedge-tailed Shearwater 50+
104 Australasian Gannet 6 (1)
125 Silver Gull 40+
115 Crested Tern 30+ (15+)
100 Pied Cormorant 2 (in the harbour)
106 Australian Pelican 5 (in the harbour)
Hump-backed Whale 8+
Common Dolphin 10+
Bottle-nosed Dolphin 20+
Risso's Dolphin 2
Future Trips,
All Pelagic Trips from NSW are operated at no profit to the organisers
being operated as group boat charters for the benefit of all who wish
to join us.
Sydney Pelagics depart on the 2nd Saturday of each month with the next
trip scheduled for the 16th October 1999. Wollongong Pelagics depart
on the 4th Sunday of each month, although there will be a change to the
4th Saturday of each month throughout 2000. Eden Pelagics will
continue to be the 3rd Sunday of each month. If you would like to join
one of these trips please contact either Tony Palliser or Pete Milburn
to make a booking.
Tony Palliser Ph; 02-99001678 (w), 02-94115272 (h)
Pete Milburn: Mobile 0416-249 506, 02-6255 1313 Home or 02-62494326
Eden Pelagics are run on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Bookings to
<> Barbara Jones or Ph (02) 6495 7390.
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