Wollongong, NSW Pelagic Trip Report 26th September 1999
Departed at 7.15 am and returned at approx. 4.30 pm.
Sea Conditions: Calm
Weather: Warm, overcast and some rain.
Wind: Winds: ESE very light
Water temperature: Unavailable
A pleasant but rather slow day. Some of the winter specialities having
already moved south. Particularly noticeable was the lack of Yellow-nosed
Albatross, Fairy Prion and White-fronted Tern. Highlights for most during
the day included a Black Noddy (first record for Wollongong) and of course
the ever popular Wandering Albatross - including the races (or species if
following the proposed new taxonomy) exulans, gibsoni and antipodensis a
few of which were captured and banded by the SOSSA team on board prior to
release. And this is where the real excitement came in, as one of the
small antipodean type birds had a distinct dark cutting edge to the bill
and a greenish ungues. At the time Amsterdam Albatross was mentioned but
knowing how rare these birds are globally (possible as few as 70
individuals) we were all in some doubt or at least a state of disbelief.
After comparing measurements and photographs upon returning though it was
clear that we had indeed captured what may become Australia's first
confirmed AMSTERDAM ISLAND ALBATROSS Diomedea amsterdamensis. So once
again this trip will go down in the history books as one the all time
Those on board,
Paul & Ann Foxworthy, Tania Ireton, Ossie Tee, David Mitford, Andrew
Stafford, Colleen Sutherland, Pete Milburn, Tony Palliser, Lindsay
Smith and the team from Emu Tours.
(Note: numbers in brackets = highest count at any one time)
086 Wandering Albatross 21
-----086 exulans 1-2
-----847 gibsoni 10+ (7)
-----846 antipodensis 3-4 (2)
091 Shy Albatross 4
-----091 cauta 3 (3)
088 Black-browed Albatross 8
-----088 melanophrys 2 (2)
-----859 impavida 2
073 Great-winged Petrel 4
971 Providence Petrel 20+ (5)
929 Southern Giant Petrel 1-2
984 Cape Petrel 30+ (15)
065 White-faced Storm Petrel 1
068 Fluttering Shearwater 10+
913 Hutton's Shearwater 25+
069 Wedge-tailed Shearwater 250+ (100+)
070 Sooty Shearwater 3
071 Short-tailed Shearwater 4
104 Australasian Gannet 5-10
125 Silver Gull 400+
981 Kelp Gull 4 (2)
953 Common Tern 4 (4)
115 Crested Tern 30+ (15+)
097 Little Black Cormorant 1
106 Australasian Pelican 8 (8)
Common Dolphin 30+
Future Trips,
All Pelagic Trips from NSW are operated at no profit to the organisers
being operated as group boat charters for the benefit of all who wish
to join us.
Sydney Pelagics depart on the 2nd Saturday of each month & Wollongong
Pelagics depart on the 4th Sunday of each month for the rest of 1999.
Eden Pelagics are on the 3rd Sunday of each month. If you would like
to join one of these trips please contact either Tony Palliser or Pete
Milburn to make a booking.
Tony Palliser Ph; 02-99001678 (w), 02-94115272 (h)
Pete Milburn: Mobile 0416-249 506, 02-6255 1313 Home or 02-62494326
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