Hi Denyse and others,
Before I get jumped on from all directions by birding-ausers, perhaps I
qualify the information of mine you quoted. The playing of audio tapes
scrub-bird calls is only considered a possible threat to the species. It
included as such in reports compiled as part of the Comprehensive
Regional Assessment (RFA process) here in South-east Queensland. Another
potential threat mentioned in these reports was inappropriate fire
regimes in the wet sclerophyll forests surrounding the bird?s core
rainforest sites.
Whatever the real factor or factors responsible for the current status
of the
Rufous Scrub-bird, there does appear to be some cause for concern, at
least in
NSW. There, NSW NPWS is organising a volunteer survey for the species
observations indicate the scrub-bird's range has contracted, numbers
declined within the bird's current range and the species has become
extinct in some areas. (Contact Andrew McIntyre or the Threatened Bird
if you want to become involved - or
Given these sort of observations, I nevertheless echo your sentiments
that there
are good grounds to be cautious when using call playback in attempting
to find
scrub-birds. A better option again is not to use tapes at all. You get a
better sense of achievement when you see one that way!
Denyse Cusack wrote:
> Hi, Lorne,
> I see you also seek the Rufous Scrub-bird. May I point out that NPWS
> expecting to upgrade this from vulnerable to endangered soon. Ian
> of Queensland Parks and Wildlife cites the use of taped calls by
> bird-watchers a major threat to this species so please take care.
Dr Ian Gynther
Senior Conservation Officer
Conservation Resource Unit
Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service
PO Box 42
Kenmore QLD 4069
Tel: (07) 3202 0250 Fax: (07) 3202 6844
Visit us online at http://www.env.qld.gov.au
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