This precious gift of life,
That we can cup in our hands,
We watch their moving wings,
Their brightly colored bands,
We look into their eyes,
Search for friendship and delight,
How one day we hope to copy,
Their wondrous acrobatic flight.
But if all that we can give them,
Is buttered bread and some seed,
With clear pure cool water,
Or some fruit to meet their need,
Then we will not have failed them,
We will have done our little bit,
Given our love to them,
Told them they are our big hit.
So let us all go and gaze,
Peer and laud at the homes they build,
Be awestruck and amazed,
As they construct their weather shield,
But let us take a moment,
To gather in this precious sight,
A young mother with her children,
The first day of magical flight.
JAG 1999
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