There was a feral population of Long-billed Corellas in coastal
suburbs of Darwin for a few years but (luckily) they seem to have
disappeared. I haven't seen them for a few years. At least two other
populations of ferals have disappeared as well - Goldfinches and
Collared Doves. The latter bred in the 'wild' occasionally and could
still become a problem but hopefully not. Tree Sparrows have bred
here but have been eradicated. The Parks & Wildlife Service up
here are also apparently trying to eradicate feral pigeons, which
would make the city free of exotics. There are the occasional
records of presumed escaped birds - Gouldian Finch, Princess
Parrot, Australian Ringneck, Budgerigar etc. but nothing that looks
like taking over.
P.O. Box 41382
Casuarina 0811 NT
Ph. 62 8 89451130
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