I hear a rumour that Dick Schodde has created an entirely new Fairy-wren
species; this is from populations of Splendid FWs in SW Qld (?), which are
much paler (?) than either spp melanotus (eastern), or callainus (central).
Can anybody confirm this rumour and the details I have queried? Also does
anyone know better details of the range of this new sp.
This being so I was thinking about where to look for this little beaut next
time I go that way. I have seen both the above-mentioned races of Splendids
and spp assimlis of the Variegated in the arid zone, but I can't think
whether there is a habitat differentiation. I know that White-winged FWs
are found mainly in low vegetation, and salt-bush, but both the other spp
seemed to favour the same kinds of taller, thicker vegetation. Is it just
that both are in such low denisities that whether you get a troup of
Splendids or Variegateds in a particualr spot is entirely a matter of chance?
John (I hope the Southern Fulmar stays around for another week and a half)
John Leonard (Dr),
PO Box 243,
Woden, ACT 2606,
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