Hullo All
Out at Mary River last weekend we came across two adult Channel-billed
Cuckoos feeding in a banyan. It's the first time I've come across the
bird at this time of year and I'm wondering whether some overwinter in
Australia. A flock of Rainbow Lorikeets inhabiting the same tree weren't
too chuffed about their arrival!
Incidentally talking about cuckoos Little-bronze Cuckoos are still
calling in my yard and two males were recently chasing a female around in
circles. They seem to be present in greater numbers this year. I don't
mind - I think they're great although there's a few gerygones and
honeyeaters who wouldn't agree!
Lat night out at the sewage ponds nothing special to report - Mangrove
Gerygone singing vigorously, plenty of Red-headed Honeyeaters, lots of
Grey Teal - as I was with non-birders I didn't feel I could do more than
have a quick scan.
Next thing a police car turned up and an officer demanded to know if I
had permission to be there. Martin the caretaker suggested I should have
asked them whether they had permission!
Those who have visited Darwin sewage pond might know of Ben, the 3 metre
crocodile who inhabited same ponds for years. Almost all the sewage pond
workers liked having him around; Martin even used to stroke his tail when
the crocodile was sunning on the causeway. However it couldn't last and
someone complained and Ben was then removed to a crocodile farm. Martin
tells me the workers were so upset they complained to their union who
assuming that Ben was a fellow worker began action on his behalf!
Denise Goodfellow
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