It is quite possible Gil that your friend did see a Plains Wanderer.
There have been a number of records for the grasslands west of Werribee
(Live Bomb Range Road is from memory the area they are seen in). There
are no records yet for the Melbourne Water Western Treatment Plant, but
we keep looking.
John Barkla
>From: Gil Langfield[SMTP:
>Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 9:35 PM
>Subject: birding-aus Plains Wanderer
>A colleague, who is not a birdwatcher but is interested enough in nature to
>be a volunteer at the Werribee (Victoria, Australia) open range zoo, claims
>that he and some others saw a male Plains Wanderer at the zoo on Saturday
>26 June. He said they consulted Simpson and Day and were convinced of
>their sighting by reddish flashes behind the head.
>The Werribee area is mentioned in HANZAB as having occasional sightings.
>Any comments?
>Gil Langfield
>Melbourne, Australia
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