Nick wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am planning a trip to Round Hill NR over my July Break, and so I was
> wondering if anyone out there could help me with general information
> on where I should go to bird. I have only a limited amount of
> experience with birds from west of the divide, so any of the
> specialties from here would be new to me (White-winged Wren, chats,
> Mulga Parrots, Honeyeaters and the like). I was after specific
> directions to particular spots if possible. My limited research so far
> has thrown up places like the "wheat paddock" and "chat alley". I was
> also planning to go to Cocoparra NP as well, but am now considering
> cutting that, and spending an extra day at Round Hill - what would be
> the best option?What about any other places in the vicinity?
This may be a bit out of your way, but when I was passing through that
neck of the woods, I found a nice birding hot spot in the state forest
adjacent to the Weddin Mts Nat Park - more so that Cocoparra NP
Regards, Laurie.
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