Hello all who replied to my 'Red Wattle' inquest!
I've not been able to observe any mating/territorial Red Wattlebirds... The
the simple reason, it is not their breeding
season, but...
I was talking to my teacher the other day about the matter
and she said that she saw a Red Wattle bird once with it's
wattles enlarged to the size of a 10c piece, not fully
inflated but 2/3. She was at the UNE at the time and someone
pointed out to her that it was a male Red Wattlebird and that they enlarge
their wattles to this size in courtship displays and in
defending territory (although she can't quiet remember who this
person was).
I still doubt that this phenomena occurs, for one thing: both the
male and female have these wattles. If I do find otherwise I will
let you all know.
Another thing that interested me was that the other day, when I was
on my way home from school. I saw a flock of 60+ Magpies. Flying at medium
altitude for a bird, close enough together but not in a 'tight'
formation. Flying north-west.
It did look rather odd seeing Magpies flying together in such a number!
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