Thanks to eveyone for their mis-ID ideas, I will acknowledge everyone who
sent anything in.
I never fell victim to the Starling/Blackbird juvenile ploy because I'd
already fallen victim to it, aged about 14, in Britain.
I find it quite interesting to see how bird vary over the country; it may be
a sub-species thing, or a just a clinal variation, but it is striking how
when you arrive in a new area you have get your eye in. For example
White-bellied Cuckoo-shrikes in the NT are much smaller than the ones down
south, and don't have so much of a contrasting white-belly (if I remember
correctly), Brown Honyeeaters in sw WA are much bigger than ones in the east
(if I remember correctly). I lived in Brisbane from 1991-94 and completely
failed in that time to work out Yellow-rumped and Buff-rumped Thornbill,
this is partly because I don't remember them as being quite as common as
they are down this way, but also, I suspect, because Buff-rumps around
Brisbane are much brighter yellow (Brisbane birders please correct these
statements if necessary).
Anyway, I'll get on with it.
John Leonard
John Leonard (Dr),
PO Box 243,
Woden, ACT 2606,
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