Since a year or so ago I asked the question about attachments which
duplicate the content of the message (if you can open them at all), and got
various helpful answers, I think I can respond to this.
There is nothing you can do to prevent this happening. It appears to happen
if you have different software, or different versions of the same software,
from the sender. (It may only be if you have older software.) The sender
doesn't even know it has happened.
(With my email software - an elderly version of Eudora Pro - it is a
particular nuisance as I have to go to File Manager to delete all these
non-messages. Fortunately since Russell's last round of adjustments to
birding-aus they all have names beginning with "birding-" so I can identify
them without having to open them.)
Margaret Cameron
Margaret Cameron Phone 03 5229 9792
4 Connor Street Fax 03 5229 1520
East Geelong
Victoria 3219 Editor, Australian Birding Magazine
Australia PO Box 2013, Geelong, Victoria 3220
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