Every so often one experiences a magic moment in
birdwatching. I had one of those this afternoon.
For over 14 years I have kept a monthly record of the bird
species seen on or flying over our 2 hectare (5acre) block on the western edge
of Murray Bridge (80 km SE of Adelaide). Until this afternoon the total stood at
95 species.
In a ten minute period this afternoon I added 3 species to
this list:
Golden Whistler (male and female)
Flame Robin
Inland Thornbill
While these species are widely distributed in this area, none
is really common.
I also saw several Chestnut Rumped Thornbills, a species not
seen often on our home patch.
Oh for more Magic Moments like this.
Now for the magic 100 at home!!!
Happy birding.
Trevor Hampel Murray Bridge South