
birding-aus Birds Australia VicGroup Easter camp

Subject: birding-aus Birds Australia VicGroup Easter camp
From: "Merrilyn Serong" <>
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 00:29:23 +1000
Black Waterhole Reserve in the Wimmera (Western Victoria) made a superb
setting for the Birds Australia VicGroup Easter camp-out.  This varied
woodland includes eucalypts, acacias, banksias, casuarinas, cypress
pines, and a number of smaller plants, many of which were in flower.
Such habitat attracts a tremendous diversity of birds, with at least 63
species in the vicinity of our campsite. Woodland birds might be
declining everywhere else, but not, it would seem, at this reserve.
Notable around the camp were Hooded and Scarlet Robins, Southern
Whiteface, Diamond Firetails, Black-chinned Honeyeaters, and Restless
Flycatchers noisily grinding their scissors.

A number of "ticks" were recorded, or at least "vicarious ticks" for the
more experienced birders!  Atlas surveys were carried out in Black
Waterhole Reserve as well as nearby Jilpanger, Kalingur, Tooan, Mt
Arapiles, Polpara Lake, and Quantong Reservoir.  With 105 species
observed overall, we gathered 580 records for the Atlas on 20 sheets.

A highlight of the weekend was our visit to the Tooan - Mt Arapiles Park
with wonderful views of White-fronted Honeyeaters and Southern
Scrub-robins.  Two members, to the envy of all others, saw two
Red-tailed Black Cockatoos at Polpara Lake, when all they were expecting
was water birds.

Following is the full list of birds seen during the camp.

Black Swan
Australian Shelduck
Pacific Black Duck
Grey Teal
Hoary-headed Grebe
Australasian Grebe
Little Pied Cormorant
White-faced Heron
Great Egret
Australian White Ibis
Straw-necked Ibis
Yellow-billed Spoonbill
Eurasian Coot
Whistling Kite
Brown Goshawk
Collared Sparrowhawk
Wedge-tailed Eagle
Brown Falcon
Black Falcon
Purple Swamphen
Banded Stilt
Black-fronted Dotterel
Masked Lapwing
Silver Gull
Common Bronzewing
Crested Pigeon
Peaceful Dove
Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo
Long-billed Corella
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Rainbow Lorikeet
Musk Lorikeet
Purple-crowned Lorikeet
Crimson Rosella
Eastern Rosella
Red-rumped Parrot
Blue-winged Parrot
Southern Boobook
Australian Owlet-nightjar
White-throated Needletail
Laughing Kookaburra
White-throated Treecreeper
Brown Treecreeper
Superb Fairy-wren
Spotted Pardalote
Striated Pardalote
Shy Heathwren
Brown Thornbill
Chestnut-rumped Thornbill
Buff-rumped Thornbill
Striated Thornbill
Yellow-rumped Thornbill
Southern Whiteface
Red Wattlebird
Little Wattlebird
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
Noisy Miner
Yellow-plumed Honeyeater
Yellow-faced Honeyeater
White-eared Honeyeater
White-plumed Honeyeater
Black-chinned Honeyeater
Brown-headed Honeyeater
White-naped Honeyeater
New Holland Honeyeater
White-fronted Honeyeater
Tawny-crowned Honeyeater
Eastern Spinebill
Jacky Winter
Scarlet Robin
Red-capped Robin
Hooded Robin
Eastern Yellow Robin
Southern Scrub-robin
White-browed Babbler
Varied Sitella
Crested Shrike-tit
Golden Whistler
Rufous Whistler
Grey Shrike-thrush
Restless Flycatcher
Grey Fantail
Willie Wagtail
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike
Dusky Woodswallow
Grey Butcherbird
Australian Magpie
Grey Currawong
Australian Raven
Little Raven
White-winged Chough
Zebra Finch
Diamond Firetail
Welcome Swallow
Tree Martin
Little Grassbird


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  • birding-aus Birds Australia VicGroup Easter camp, Merrilyn Serong <=

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