
Re: birding-aus request for info

To: "susan meinhold" <>
Subject: Re: birding-aus request for info
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 16:30:51 +0800
L.D.(Snow) and Dorothy Perry asked about where to find the following
species :

Rufous Scrubwren                         Princess Parrot
Red-lored Whistler                       Scarlet-chested Parrot
Grey Honeyeater                          Rufous Owl
Chestnut-breasted Whiteface              Marbled Frogmouth
Yellow Chat                              Barn Swallow
Oriental Pratincole                      Yellow Wagtail
Banded Whiteface                         Lemon-breasted Flycatcher
Red-footed Booby                           (Kimberly form)
White-tailed Tropicbird                  Mangrove Golden Whistler
Little Bittern                             (Western form)
Northern Shoveller                       Chestnut-breasted Quailthrush
Garganey                                   (Western form)
Red Goshawk                              Halls Babbler
Chestnut-breasted Button-quail           Rufous-crowned Emu-wren
Red-chested Button-quail                 Varigated Wren
Black Breasted Button-quail                 (Kimberly form)
Chestnut Rail                            Black Grasswren
Western Sandpiper                        Dusky Grasswren
Bridled Tern                             Dusky Gerygone
                                         Slaty-backed Thornbill
                                         Yellow-rumped Mannikin

I have information on a number of WA locations on my web pages at and in particular :

Kununurra - Little Bittern, Yellow-rumped Mannikin, Variegated Fairy-wren
(Kimberley form), Yellow Chat

Wyndham - Yellow Chat

Derby / Broome - Lemon-breasted Flycatcher (Kimberley form), Mangrove
Golden Whistler, Dusky Gerygone

Cue (near Meekatharra) - Grey Whistler (small chance), Banded Whiteface
(chance), Slaty-backed Thornbill, Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush, Rufous
Fieldwren (I assume you mean this species?)

Carnarvon - Rufous Fieldwren is common at the wharf, Dusky Gerygone

Beacon (actually south of Payne's Find) - Grey Honeyeater

Rufous-crowned Emu-wren is fairly common at Millstream Chichester NP.
Black Grasswren is common at Mitchell Falls, but I don't know if you are
going there.

April will almost certainly be too late and September too early for all the

Frank O'Connor

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