Like many others, I've been watching Life of Birds on the ABC with
awe and fascination at the wonderful photography
I'd like to propose a challenge for the armchair birders out there, whether
watching it on the video or live on ABC or on your own video, and this is to
compile a species list for each episode. I know that I've been running for
field guides during some episodes, with mixed success. For example, in the
last one shown on ABC (the "Feeding" one) they showed good views of an owl
which they called a "Scops" owl - but I think that it looked more like a
White-faced Owl Otus leucotis - any views??
If lists are send direct to me or posted on the net (preferably both Eng &
scientific names) I'll compile an overall list (with alternatives) and
post it in the New Year.
Dr Peter Woodall email =
Division of Vet Pathology & Anatomy
School of Veterinary Science & An. Prod. Phone = +61 7 3365 2300
The University of Queensland Fax = +61 7 3365 1355
Brisbane, Qld, Australia 4072 WWW =
"hamba phezulu" (= "go higher" in isiZulu)