Hi everyone,
I previously said that I had no sound problems on my life of birds video 3
(which is true as far as I can tell) however I have
since found there are sound problems on tape 2. On my tape there is a problem
with the start of the 5th episode and a bit more in
the 7th episode near the end. The problems are not long or very terrible but
are annoying.
However the series is very good. While not wanting to spoil anything for those
watching the ABC shows (which I still am anyway)
one of the best Australian sections is some great video of a Superb Lyrebird
(from Tidbinbilla I think) doing a kookaburra, then a
pretty good camera shutter, then an exceptional camera with motor wind, then a
car alarm and then a most spectacular chainsaw and
falling tree. The camera with motorwind and the chainsaw are so good that I
couldn't stop from laughing. I remember a thread last
year where some people cast doubts on the lyrebirds ability to mimic inanimate
objects and weave them into a display well this
video is pretty convincing.
Christmas and holiday wishes to all and thanks for all the input and
interesting discussions during the year. My best bird for the
year had to be the Rednecked Phalarope at Western Treatment Plant. I had been
waiting for that one for a long time and it lived up
to expectations as it was just entering full breeding plumage. Also on the
same day new life birds included Black Falcon, Wood
Sandpiper and Lewin's Rail; a day to remember!
Best Wishes
John Boyce