Dear all,
Birds Australia is currently working on two applications for electronic
entry of atlas data - one for Windows (all flavours) and the other for
Macintosh (OS 7 or 8).
The Windows application is being written by students from North-eastern
TAFE and will be a stand alone application available for download from the
Atlas web site
The Macintosh version will initially be a template for versions 3 and 4 of
Filemaker Pro. However, we may also be able to supply the Macintosh version
as a stand alone application depending on demand (please let me know!)*.
We will soon be requiring beta testers for both of these applications. The
windows version is still a few weeks away, while the Macintosh version is
almost finished. If you are interested, please reply to me
specifying which version you are interested in.
*Additional Macintosh note...
To convert the Filemaker template to a stand alone application requires
access to the FilemakerPro Developers Kit. Is there anyone out there with
this software who could convert the file for us?
Cameron Williams
AHC Research Officer and Editor
Birds Australia Birds Australia Nest &
415 Riversdale Rd Woodland BirdWatch
Hawthorn East Vic 3123
(03) 9882 2622