Greetings from Bowen,
On checking back through my diary about nesting Tawny Frogmouths I found
that the times when both birds are on the nest have always been when the
chicks have hatched. I even have a drawing from the Jullaten Caravan
Park of a nesting pair on nest with three small chicks.
The female is observed on the nest the majority of visits that I have
had at Delta (north of Bowen) and another bird close by to where I live,
photos actually taken today of the latter.
I have not observed both birds at nest when only eggs are present in the
nest but I have seen the presumed mate perched on the same branch or
within a few metres of the nest.
One thing for sure is that they are always a hit with the visitors
especially when they have young.
Good birding
Jon Wren
>Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 14:27:33 +1000 (EST)
>From: (Chris Dahlberg)
>Subject: Frogmouths
>Hello everybody
> I have been watching the posts on Tawny Frogmouths
>interest, particularly which sex carries out the incubation and
>during the day. It has been the experience of John Young that the
>carries out these duties and not the male. I am sure that Lloyd Nielsen
>of the same opinion but I cannot contact him easily at present.
>Chris Dahlberg
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