I have a UK acquaintance visiting Australia in January and he is visiting
Sydney and Melbourne amongst other places. Obviously he is keen to bird in
both places and is looking for birding guides on a casual basis. He is willing
to pay for services. Whilst in Melbourne he is keen to visit Werribee. Please
let me know if you or anyone else can assist.
A couple of weeks ago I mentioned a Sulphur-crested Cockatoo carrying a pink
rose and asked for serious scientific comment. I can only say that my replies
can at best be described as frivolous, lacking totally in meaningful reasoning.
I would have thought that Melbourne based students of ornithology could have
offered more.
This behaviour has been described in Fairy-Wrens as furgling and there was an
article in Sunbird in July 1990. But what of Cockatoos?
A couple of weeks ago I was sitting studying in my home in inner suburban
Brisbane looking wistfully out of the window at the birds etc and noticed that
Caper Whites were heading north in large numbers. This continued all day and
for several days. At any given time I could see at least 30 butterflies.
Heaps of the buggars!!
Roy Sonnenburg
PS Congratulations to Lloyd and others for winning the war so far at
Julatten. Let us hope it is also the battle.