The following Unusual Records were reported to the monthly meeting of
the NSWFOC Central Coast Group on 26/8/98:
Little Eagle 1 Woodbury Park, Wyong Creek 25/8/98 (Alan Morris)
Wedge-tailed Shearwater 3 off Soldiers Point 22/8/98, first return
(Alan Morris)
Fluttering Shearwater 6000+ seen in over an hour Soldiers Point
22/8/98 (AM)
White-breasted Woodswallow 6 Picnic Pt, The Entrance 22/8/98 first
return (AM)
Rufous Whistler 14/8/98 Mangrove Mountain first return (Margaret
Horsfield Bronze-Cuckoo 24/8/98 Mangrove Mountain first return (MP)
Shining Bronze-Cuckoo 1 on 8/8/98 first return Munmorah SRA (AM)
Curlew Sandpiper 1 25/8/98 Picnic Point first return (AM)
Pacific Golden Plover 3 25/8/98 Toowoon Bay Reefs first return (AM)
Glossy Black Cockatoo 3 on 8/8/98 Copacobana (Garren Staines)
Yellow-throated Scrub-wren 2 on 26/8/98 nesting Palmdale (John
Satin Bowerbird 1 bower at Jilliby 23/8/98 which had two bowers 1
metre apart on the same platform, and on the same day, a bower at nearby
Lemontree that 3 walls and two avenues (Phillip Green), subsequently
visited by AM & Marj Cochrane on 25/8/98 and all still in place. The
former bower as well as having the yellowish green flowers of the garden
crocuses (sp?) scattered over the platform and around the two bowers and
the usual blue pegs, straws and can tops, there was a standard bluish
green light bulb!.I bet that lit up the ladies!
Alan Morris