
Against Nature on ABC

Subject: Against Nature on ABC
From: Niels Poul Dreyer <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 23:14:46 +1000 (EST)
Hi Folks

I saw the program against nature where the greens look rediculous;
especially the American women interviewed in her bathroom. It was actually
rather funny presented, as it was so serious misleading. It appeared from
the program that the green folks were arguing that the third world must not
develop in order to keep those coutries as an environmental sink to absorp
first world pollution. Humans were less important than animals and trees. 

Something is forgotten here: The Indonesian fires were lit by rich land
speculators with close association with Soharto and his cronies. The poor
suffered from pollution and deforestation while the rich developers parked
thier money in tax heavens. Water shortages are caused by deforestation. The
best provider of clean water is healthy forests not dams. However there may
be a good case for that Dam in India, but each situation is different and
the anti-environmentalists generalised and said all dams are good.

What the greens can learn from this attack is to focus on unsustainabele
development promoted by the elite and the rich. Additionally they should
focus on the fall-outs from government corruption rather than focussing on a
few development projects which may actually help the poor.

Underdevelopment can also lead to depletion of resources. Cambodia is a good
example of an environmental catastrope caused by isolation and destruction
of human culture. Pol Pot's mass murder reduced the numbers of humans, but
the forest still disappeared! The folks on the ABC program said that the
greens have the same idiology as Adolf Hitler's Germany.!!!
It is pitty we have not advanced any further in this debate. I cannot see
any hope after 30 years of debate on this issue.

Regards from a true environmentalist
Niels Poul Dreyer
10/35-37 Denman Camp Road
Scarness, Qld 4655

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