Hello seabird people,
I have recently taken over as editor of the Australasian Seabird Group
Newsletter (ASGN). (ASG is a special interest group of Birds Australia).
The ASGN carries papers, notes, notices and other material on the seabirds
of Australasia and surrounding areas.
In the future I hope to see ASGN carrying regular columns such as a
round-up of pelagic trips, a round-up of banding recoveries, recent
literature and book reviews. Articles are published on distribution,
seasonality, breeding ecology, diet, and identification. Research results,
research overviews, planned student projects, incidental observations and
literature reviews are encouraged. This is a newsletter and just about
anything to do with seabirds will be considered. And of course, YOUR
suggestions regarding content will be gratefully received.
The ASGN has been without an editor for some time and issues are overdue.
There is much to be done before the next issue is produced, so my plan is
to produce the next one (issue no. 33) in October 1998. Then, we should be
back on our regular schedule of semi-annual publication in April and
October each year. The deadline for issue 33 is September first (but I am
willing to negotiate) and then deadlines for April and October issues are
March first and September first respectively. More detailed editorial
guidelines are in preparation and can be sent to you upon request. Needless
to say, any copy you can provide for the next issue would be most welcome.
I am compiling an email directory of Australasian seabird people to foster
communications about ASG and seabirds in general. You do not have to be an
ASG member to be on the email directory. If you would like to be on the
email directory please reply directly to me. If you know of someone
interested in seabirds who is not on Birding-Aus please forward a copy of
this message to them.
I hope to hear from you soon,
Subscription to ASG is A$15 per year (Aus and NZ residents), which includes
two issues of the newsletter. Further details can be obtained from:
Membership Services
Birds Australia,
415 Riversdale Road
Hawthorn East,
Vic 3123.
Or Heather Gibbs,
The Treasurer, Australasian Seabird Group,
Hope to hear from you soon,
David James
PO BOX 5225
Townsville Mail Centre 4810