Hi everyone,
My brother and parents are about to head off on a 3 month trip
beginning in Victoria going to SA (stop at Bool Lagoon), then to
Alice Springs, Darwin, Kakadu then to Mt Isa and back to the east
coast and down to Victoria. This will be the second time in the
Centre and Darwin areas but the first time they have come through the
gulf country.
My brother has Bransbury, Thomas and Thomas and the NT guide (I can't
remember the authors of that one) so he has most of the usual sites
lined up however he would be very interested in hearing about recent
observations of the tougher birds (Hooded Parrot, Chestnut Rail,
Banded Fruit Dove, White-throated, Carpentarian and Striated Grasswren,
Yellow Chat, Banded and Chestnut-breated Whiteface, Letter-winged Kite amongst
others), or special
spots which people know of which may not be listed in the guides or
given enough importance. Unfortunately my family does not have
internet access so I am asking on their behalf.
Also as I will be stuck in Melbourne while they travel would people
be interested in hearing weekly or fortnightly bird reports from
these areas where reports on birding-aus are often scarce.
Thanks in anticipation
John Boyce
Best Wishes
John Boyce
Department of Microbiology
Monash University
Clayton, 3168
Vic. Australia
phone: work: 9905 4838
home: 9376 6641