I know this isn't a topic that's received too well anywhere on a bird
watching group, but I've been in correspondence with a bloke who's devised
an electronic beeper that you can attach to a cat's collar. It acts on the
"bell around the neck" principle, but overcomes one of the weaknesses of a
bell. The weakness being that the cat learns to be stealthier to minimise
the noise.
This device emits a constant electronic beep.
Tom Maier designed it to combat his moggy and has put the design on his web
page for anyone to use. He has stated that he'd be more than happy for
someone to take the design and produce it commercially and he's giving it
away free.
He has anecdotal evidence that the device is effective - unfortunately off
the negative type when he forgot to turn it on one day (squirrel was the
victim, not a bird this time).
The URL is at http://www.mindspring.com/~sminstruments/catbeep/
I've passed this on at rec.birds and uk.rec.birdwatching with Tom's approval
and hope this was not too off topic for this list.
With our cultural heritage of innovativeness, I'm hoping an entrepreneurial
Aussie might take this on.
Eric Hocking "A closed mouth gathers no feet."
:: Melbourne, Australia ::