With all the reports of these two threatened Australian birds I thought it
of interest to supply the list with the conservation classification deails
for the species.
Swift Parrots (Lathamus discolor) are:
listed as a threatened taxa under Schedule 2 of the (Victorian) Flora
and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988
classified as "endangered" in the new NRE publication "Threatened
Vertebrate Fauna in Victoria - 1998"
classified as "vulnerable" in schedule 1 of the Commonwealth Endangered
Species Protection Act 1992
Regent Honeyeaters (Xanthomyza phrygia) are:
listed as a threatened taxa under Schedule 2 of the Flora and Fauna
Guarantee Act 1988
classified as "critically endangered" in the new NRE publication
"Threatened Vertebrate Fauna in Victoria - 1998"
classified as "endangered" in schedule 1 of the Commonwealth Endangered
Species Protection Act 1992
The conservation classifications of these and other birds can be viewed at
the web addresses I posted on the 7th and 14th of April. Feel free to
contact me should you not have this information.
Martin O'Brien
Executive Scientific Officer
Scientific Advisory Committee/Flora and Fauna Guarantee
Department of Natural Resources and Environment
4/250 Victoria Pde.,
East Melbourne, 3002
tel: +61 3 9412 4567
fax: +61 3 9412 4586