At 02:47 PM 4/30/98 +1000, Jill Denning wrote:
>Does anyone know if progress has been made in the matter of discounts for
>GPS units for RAOU participants in the forthcoming atlas?
>If so, what brand, how much, anything else you might know?
Hi Jill,
Birds Australia is selling Magellan Pioneer GPS units, complete with a car
power adaptor, to its members for $299.
This model usually retails for the same price without the car power adaptor
(which is worth about $45).
This GPS unit is a basic hand-held model, about the size of an average
mobile phone. Other GPS models, which have more functions (e.g. email
capacity), are also available from Birds Australia.
Dr Stephen Ambrose
Research Manager
Birds Australia (Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union)
Australian Bird Research Centre
415 Riversdale Road,
Hawthorn East,
VIC 3123.
Tel: +61 3 9882 2622
Fax: +61 3 9882 2677
Email: S.Ambrose <> (at work)
<> (at home)