Hi all,
Thanks to all those people who responded to my RFI about the Broken Hill
area. Based on their advice we drove directly to Mootwingee NP and the had
a slightly more liesurely return via Kincheega NP (in atrocious wether),
Yarrara Flora and Fauna Reserve and Hattah NP (briefly). For those who
don't know Mootwingee is located in far western NSW (~130 km from Broken
Hill)and Yarrarra is located in the far Northwest corner of Victoria. Below
are some of the highlights, anyone who would like a more detailed report
can email me and I'll happily send one off to you.
Highlights included
Grey Falcon, glimpsed near the start of Homestead Gorge, Mootwingee
Black-tailed Native Hen, flock being attacked by Wedge-tailed Eagle, Kincheega
Pink Cockatoo, common at Mootwingee
Bourke's Parrot, a very pleasant suprise, Mootwingee
Gilbert's Whistler, Yarrarra
Crested Bellbird, Yarrarra
Chirruping Wedgebill, extremely common north of Broken Hill
Hall's Babbler, Mootwingee
White-winged Fairywren, Mootwingee
Redthroat, north of Broken Hill
White-browed Treecreeper, Yarrarra
Striped Honeyeater, Mootwingee
Orange Chat.
Yarrarra FFR is a very interesting remnant of woodland that once existed
across north west Victoria and has some fantastic birdds. I'd highly
recommend a trip there if you are in the area.
Dr Stuart Dashper
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Unit
School of Dental Science
The University of Melbourne
711 Elizabeth st
Melbourne 3000
Vic. Aus.
ph. 9341 0476